Film From Inside a VR Game
Using SteamVR's externalcamera.cfg and Mixed Reality compositing, you can film your own 3D avatar from inside a VR game. With a third controller a cameraman can film while moving the camera.
— のらきゃっと@バーチャル美少女(毎週火・日曜20時~生配信) (@VR_Girl_NoraCat) 2018年9月24日
Or Use a Virtual Camera with MR Compositing
Even without a third controller, a virtual controller can be configured to film within a game in the same way. This is because merely superimposing on top won't work. The things to the front of you must be composited properly on top.
— らぷたん@狐娘Vキャスター&法学Vtuber (@Velocirapturn) 2018年8月14日
今度はアバターの手前にあるものが、きちんとアバターの手前に表示されるように改善しました(・∀・) 合成だけど、キャラがゲームの世界に溶け込んでいる!(・∀・)#VRoid #バーチャルモーションキャプチャー #H3VR
Easy Hand Gestures
You can change your hand gesture at any time using the controller or keyboard. Presets similar to VRChat are also included, so you can start using immediately without any setup. The trigger is used to grasp and move objects in a game and with this you can clearly display that action to the viewer.
バーチャルモーションキャプチャーで再度The Labのロングボウに挑戦します!
— キノスラ (@cinosura_) 2018年8月3日
前回と違って、今回は喋ります! あと、腰トラがついてます!
Flexible Configurations for Hands and Facial Expressions
In addition to the presets, you can bend the five fingers to any angle and create configurations of your favorite hand gestures as suited for your game. The facial expression can also be changed at any time by using the controller.
— 猫(犬)風邪P (@inukazevr) 2018年12月27日
③WAR DUST(カメラミス、敵を倒した瞬間落ちるというゲーム自体のバグ)
Use Trackers for the Head and Hands
Instead of using an HMD and controllers for tracking, you can assign trackers to your head and hands instead. This can be used for things other than VR games.
— コバブル👍VTuberはじめました (@cb4649) 2018年9月29日
【Vive無線化?】バーチャルモーションキャプチャーを使ってはしゃいだら楽しかった【VTuber】 @YouTubeさんから
Use Trackers Even for Regular Games
Using hand and head trackers will leave your hands free to use a keyboard or game controller allowing you to also create Let's Plays for regular games. You can change expressions or hand gestures with the keyboard so you can talk while switching in real time.
【のらきゃっと】I (not) say "I see" 【_ICEY_】 @YouTubeさんから
— 🗾あきら☎︎@VMC0.14 (@sh_akira) 2018年9月25日
今日ものらきゃっと様の放送を支える #バーチャルモーションキャプチャー をよろしくお願いします。トラッカーがあればこの放送のようにVRゲー以外も実況できちゃう。

You can get creative and use Virtual Motion Capture in many different ways! When launching at the same time as a VR game, you can display the player's avatar without the need for motion capture software. It's fun to do a Let's Play with a head tracker and two hand trackers. Thanks to Akira-san the possibilities for VTubers have increased.